2 young girls with bright blue t-shirts stand next a women in a matching t-shirt who is pointing towards a dinosaur skeleton on display

Summer Camps

Register your camper today for a Summer of fascinating fun at the museum!

Wheelchair Accessible
Event Dates
June, July and August 2025

The South Carolina State Museum in Columbia is excited to offer a fun and engaging summer of camps for ages 6 – 12 sponsored by AFLAC! These week-long camps focus on a different subject each day including astronomy, art, S.T.E.A.M, robotics, and more. Camps are available all summer long in June, July and August.


Registration Now Open

6-8 Year Old Members 9-12 Year Old Members


6-8 Year Old Gen. Public



9-12 Year Old Gen. Public

Not a member? Join Today

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Connect With Us

Phone: 803.898.4999

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Choose Your Camps

Camps are listed below by age group, click the corresponding tab to see a full list of camp descriptions and dates.

Please register your child for the age group that corresponds to their age on the first day of their camp week.

Shoot for the Stars

June 2 - 6 | July 14 - 18

Twinkle, twinkle little star, let’s go to space and let’s go far!  Have you ever wondered what it’s like to visit another planet?  This week we’ll go on a one-of-a-kind mission to another star system.   Campers will construct space helmets, use rovers to search for possible life, and design and build a space habitat on the surface of another world. You never know what you might find or who (or what) you might meet! 


Robots Make it Work 

June 9 - 13 | July 21 - 25 

Robots are pretty cool, but do you ever wonder why we need them? This week, we will dive deep as we learn how robots travel through water with Sphero Bolt, load up our code as we discover how to transport cargo with Wonder Workshop’s Dash bot, and dream big as we explore marvelous new places with LEGO SPIKE Essentials. We’ll get hands-on with over ten robots and learn about their real-world counterparts before we end the week with an open exploration of our favorites! 


Diagnose the Gross

June 16 - 20 | July 28 - Aug. 1 

Great googly moogly! Join us this summer as we slither into some weird, sticky and sometimes icky science experiments. In our Grossology themed summer camp, we will be discovering the many shades of boogers using slimy science, creating earwax inspired candles, dissecting owl pellets to learn more about their diet, and so much more! Grab your gloves and goggles, it’s going to get gross! 


Making Movie Magic

June 23 - 27 | August 4 - 8 

Lights, Camera, Action! Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of your favorite movies? Ever wondered how so-called ‘movie magic’ is made? In Act I, campers will be enchanted by light-up crowns and bouncing bubbles as they go beyond the costume to craft their own magical props. In Act II, they will adventure into sound and set design through the exploration of familiar fairytales. By Act III, this camp is sure to make a grand finale as campers learn to sew their own fantastical friends--or foes? Campers will also have the incredible opportunity to experience the museum’s newest exhibition, Heroes & Villains: The Art of the Disney Costume for inspiration. Cast your creative spell before the clock strikes twelve!  


Innovation in Motion

July 7 - 11 

Discover a world of incredible innovations in this high-flying tinker camp as we are inspired by creative thinkers around us – just like you! Campers will release their potential with elastic powered boats, reach new heights while designing air compressor rockets, and team up to tinker with a Rube Goldberg showdown for the ages. How will you create and innovate? 

Hours & Pricing

Non-Member Pricing

$250 per camper per week

$300 with Extended Day


Not a member? Join Today!

Member Pricing

$200 per camper per week

$240 with Extended Day


Not a member? Join Today!

Camp Hours

Drop Off: 8 – 8:30 a.m.

Camp: 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Pick-up: 3 – 3:30 p.m.

Extended Day: 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Ext. Day Pick-up: 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.


Important Information

Please make sure to read our camp policies and procedures.


State Museum camps go by age group instead of grade level for a variety of reasons. We find this helps us to be more inclusive. Campers should be registered for the age group that matches their age on the first day of the camp week they are signing up for. For example, if you're registering for a 6-8 year old camp during the week of June 2-6, your child must be 6 years old by June 2nd, the first day of that camp week, in order to be eligible for that age group. If you have any Accessibility or Special Needs concerns, please email us at camps@scmuseum.org so we can discuss the best camp experience for your child! All campers must be able to use the restroom on their own.



State Museum Camps begin with a morning social time and then we quickly start our days with activities and explorations! Each day consists of two activity sessions and exploration of the museum galleries. As a group, campers will attend the 4D theater, planetarium, and blockbuster exhibitions at least once a week as well. Morning snack is at 10:30am and lunch is at 12pm. For the safety and security of our campers, no other specific camp activity times will be shared. However, you will always be able to gain access to your camper as you'd like! Extended Day campers will have an additional snack time at 3:45pm.


Map showing location for camp drop off and pick, which is on the side of the museum at the planetarium extension
  • Drop-off is at the side entrance of the museum by the planetarium. This is the very far right side of the museum if you are looking at the museum from Gervais St. Please pull up to the bus unloading area and walk your camper into the building for sign-in every day. Please allow yourself a little more time the first day of camp just in case we have any questions about your forms or need to make schedule adjustments.
  • Pick-up is also at the side entrance of the museum by the planetarium. You can pull to the exact same bus unloading area and temporarily park. You will need to come inside and sign out your camper. A photo ID will be checked every single day. At 3:31pm campers will be considered part of the Extended Day Camp and charged for the entire week (summer camp does not have a single day charge option). There is a $10 late fee for every 5-minutes a camper is late being picked up from Extended Day.
  • Special Camp Phone Number: (803)528-2706. The museum is closed before 10 a.m. Monday - Friday. If you need to contact the SCSM Camp Team please text or call (803) 528-2706. For all inquiries regarding membership, payments, adding extended day or day-of camp, please call Group Visits at (803) 898-4999.
  • Late drop-off may cause your camper to miss activities. We’ll do our best to get them caught up but we may not be able to adjust our schedule every time. We are also unable to repeat activities missed due to absenteeism.
  • Please avoid picking up campers between 2:30 - 3 p.m. as we are in the middle of activities at that time. If you arrive between 2:30 - 3 p.m. you will be asked if pick-up is immediate or if the camper can finish their current activity.



The SCSM knows caregivers are very busy and sometimes picking up your camper right at 3 p.m. can be difficult. We are happy to offer a fun and entertaining Extended Day Camp where students can continue to explore the museum and participate in activities until 5:30 p.m. Extended Day is an additional weekly cost and cannot be sold by the day for summer camp. 



Each camper is expected to bring their own non-perishable, non-microwavable lunch and at least one snack (two if they are staying for Extended Day).  Please note that the museum is not a nut-free facility.

  • The museum is not be able to refrigerate or microwave any meals.  

  • The museum will not provide snacks.  

  • The museum is not able to take campers to the café for lunch.  

  • Campers are not supposed to share food unless related and one lunch is packed for both of them.  

  • If you are dropping lunches off late in the day you can take them to Group Visits Window. This is the glass window just inside the drop-off/pick-up area. 

  • All campers MUST have a lunch every time they come to camp. Even if your camper is “not a big eater” they must have food and will be provided the opportunity to eat. 

  • Please make sure lunch boxes are easily identifiable. The museum is not responsible for mixed-up lunch boxes. 

  • Please make sure your camper can distinguish between their lunch and snack. If they eat their lunch during snack and are hungry again during our actual lunch time, we will have to call you to bring additional food. 

  • Any water bottles brought to camp must be able to lay sideways or upside down without leaking. The museum is not responsible for lost water bottles. We encourage campers to leave their water bottles with their lunch boxes and in classrooms. If they choose to take their water bottles exploring, it is up to them to keep up with them.



  • Campers should all wear close-toed shoes.  

  • We recommend a light jacket because some of the exhibits can be cold.  

  • A free camp t-shirt will be provided every Monday. All campers must wear their camp shirts every single day for security reasons. Additional shirts may be purchased at Group Visits for $15. 


WHAT TO BRING: Lunch, a separate snack (two if staying for Extended Day), and an eagerness to learn! The SCSM will provide all learning materials. Please keep all electronics (including cell phones), personal toys, stuffed animals, and blankets at home. Please keep large backpacks at home unless absolutely necessary for accessibility reasons.


  • Electronics and Cell Phones: It is our policy that electronics should stay home unless medically necessary. Schools and camps across the country are always struggling with this issue and we know different camps have different policies. At the SCSM, we are committed to each and every student and making sure they are valued and known. We believe in the importance of our shared community and engaging together socially and academically. In order to get the most out of camp, they need to engage with us and their peers. Access to cell phones, texts, and social media magnifies behaviors and attitudes that harm inclusion and acceptance which are key tenets of a healthy and joyful camp experience.

  • Lost and Found: There will be a cart that we like to call "the island of the lost and forgotten." This cart will be where we place any items we find in our carts, lunch room, and classrooms. It will be by the welcome table when you check-in. Campers will be encouraged to leave water bottles with their lunch boxes. There are water fountains in the classrooms and around the museum. However, if a camper would like to take their water bottle exploring it will be up to them to keep up with it and any other items they take with them. Museum staff will not search the museum for lost items. If you let us know something is missing, we can keep an eye out for it and will place it on the cart once it is found.


You will always have access to your child. Here are some ways we do that: 

If you’d like to see your child face-to-face: 

  • Present your photo ID and it will be checked against the Authorized Pick-up list. 

  • Camper will be brought out to you 

  • For the safety and security of other campers, adults who are not camp staff are not permitted to visit the classrooms. 

If you’d like to speak with your child during the day: 

  • Call or text the camp cell phone: (803) 528-2706 

  • We’ll get to your camper as quickly as possible and give them the phone 

If you’d simply like a midday update, please let us know and we will do our absolute best to do that when we have a moment. We typically do these via email.



If your camper is sick or you need to reschedule, the following applies: 

  • A written cancellation request must be received two weeks or more before the scheduled camp in order to receive a refund. You must send this to group_visits@scmuseum.org  

  • No refunds will be issued for cancellations made with less than two weeks’ notice.  

  • If rescheduling is preferred, it is subject to space availability. 

  • The South Carolina State Museum reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any activity. A refund will be given if the museum cancels a camp. 

  • Any camper who vomits  or is running a fever during camp will immediately be sent home and should not return until symptom free for 24hrs. 

  • Campers who test positive for Covid-19, strep, or any other communicable disease will be given the opportunity to reschedule. If there is no availability, a refund will be given. 

  • The South Carolina State Museum is not able to issue a refund or reschedule partial weeks or single days of camp. 


For the safety of all campers, adults are not permitted to participate in SCSM camp activities. We recommend a quick hug at drop-off, an excited hug at pick-up, and avoiding “visiting” during the day, especially for new campers. Adults will not be permitted to visit classrooms during the day. Campers will be brought out to you once ID and authorization have been verified. Please see below for information on Educational Aids. 


ACCESSIBILITY AND SPECIAL NEEDS: This does not only have to be disabilities. If a family member is away on a work trip it may cause a camper to be more emotional. If a family member is in town they may be staying up really late and having lots of special treats which might make them super sleepy at camp. Whatever it may be – there are times when campers are just in situations that make life different. We love to know what might be going on so we can best serve every child. We all handle things differently as well, so any tips you want to give us on how to work with your child are also welcomed. 

The museum and its classrooms are equipped with many things to make sure everyone can explore and have a great time! Please let us know if your camper will have any special requirements prior to your visit. Some of the tools we have include wheelchairs, noise canceling headphones, sensory/fidget bags, sensory seat pads, family restrooms, first aid, and assistive listening devices for shows. All camp staff are CPR/First Aid certified and have first aid kits on them at all times. 

Educational Aids are welcome! The State Museum is not setup for 1:1 care and we do encourage educational aids to attend camp for anyone who may need it. All educational aids and assistants must be approved at least 2 weeks prior to camp.  

If you have a camper with an educational aid, the following must happen prior to attending camp: 

  • They must be able to show proof of certification in the state of South Carolina. 

  • They must also be able to show proof of having passed a background check in their organization and provide their certifying organization’s contact information. 

  • Must pass a state background check through the SC State Museum (this can sometimes take a few weeks). 

  •  If they are also allowed to take the child home they must be listed on the Authorized Pickup List. 

  • Due to conflicts of interest, family members are not permitted to attend with their campers unless they hold certification in the state of South Carolina. 

The following individuals are considered educational aides and must show proof of certification/registration: 

  • Certified personal care attendants 

  • Registered behavior technicians 

  • Registered behavior therapists 

  • Certified Special Education Teachers 

  • Official Special Education Teaching Assistants 

  • Certified respite care attendants 

  • Certified ASL interpretive guides 

  • Certified Visual impairment guides 



  • Each camp age group (6 - 8 yrs and 9 - 12 yrs) will have a room dedicated to them.  

  • Both groups of students may be brought together as one large group at times. This includes: Planetarium Shows, 4D Shows, and during our Extended Day Camp program.  

  • Campers will be exploring the museum while general admission guests are here. We will have signs letting people know campers are in the exhibitions and we will encourage them to visit the exhibition after we have left. However, we cannot control every area and campers may at times be in the same areas as general visitors. Campers will also be in the same shows as the public. 

  • SCSM Educators take professional development and training classes in the following areas: 

    • CPR/First Aid certification with the American Heart Association 

    • Accessibility Training with a focus on autism, ADHD, and anxiety with the Behavior Co. ABA Behavior Therapy 

    • Security and emergency safety protocols 

    • Exhibition Interpretation/Tours 

    • DSS/Mandated Reporter Training 

    • Maintaining an accessible classroom environment

    • Classroom management with a focus on Montessori, Reggio, Maker, and Curiosity Approach learning styles 

    ALL museum staff and volunteers must pass all state and national background checks.