Interested in supporting the South Carolina State Museum? There are several ways to make a donation.
Donations to the South Carolina Museum Foundation are 100% tax deductible. To make your donation online click the link above. You can also donate by phone at (803) 898-4935 or mail a check to the State Museum Foundation, 301 Gervais St., Rear, Columbia, S.C., 29201.
Annual Fund / General Donation
The Foundation's Annual Fund appeals are distributed twice a year, in the Winter and in the Spring. These requests raise dollars for general museum support.

Planned Giving - The Lipscomb Society
The Lipscomb Society is a planned giving program that helps provide for the future of the of the South Carolina State Museum. Individuals can share in the vision and leadership of the Lipscomb Family by remembering the State Museum in their wills. Any donor who notifies the South Carolina Museum Foundation of a planned gift to the Foundation automatically becomes a Lipscomb Society member.

For more than 30 years, the Lipscomb family has been involved with the South Carolina State Museum, providing vision, leadership, and financial support to shape the Museum into the vibrant institution it is today. Many individuals have been inspired by the dedication and sentiment expressed by Guy Lipscomb, the first chairman of the South Carolina Museum Commission.
In gratitude for and recognition of their planned gifts, names of The Lipscomb Society members will be displayed on The Lipscomb Society Wall located outside of the Lipscomb Gallery on the first floor of the State Museum.
When asked to use his family’s name for this important endeavor, Guy Lipscomb responded willingly and enthusiastically:
“The new planned giving society will help provide for the growth and improvement of all of the Museum’s present exhibits and the many new ones slated for future development” he said.
“It has always been a goal to build an endowment to help with major shows and exhibits – this society will help make that goal a reality. Most of the exhibits we now enjoy were financed by private support from individuals and corporations.
“I encourage all individuals who treasure their South Carolina heritage, tangible and intangible, to consider including the South Carolina Museum Foundation in their estate plans. The bequests you make today will in all cases help to insure that our grandchildren, even great-grandchildren, will have the opportunity to know and understand the fabric of their culture and history.
“Providing for the South Carolina Museum Foundation in your estate plans enables the Museum to become part of a vibrant and growing investment in the lives of future citizens.”

Donate an Object
Have something of cultural and/or historical significance you wish to donate to museum? Learn more about the process and how to reach our Collections team.
Meet the State Museum Foundation
Learn more about the State Museum Foundation's mission, their staff and their Board.